
From cancer detection to surgery

4. Preoperative anti cancer drug begins. Dec 2023 to Feb 2024

Although I started anticancer drugs with some anxiety, I tried to reduce the side effects by meditating and doing muscle training, and fortunately I did not experience any side effects other than hair loss.
From cancer detection to surgery

3. Transferred to another hospital and began internal medicine treatment. The power of Facebook. December 2023

Transferred to the hospital where I received a second opinion. I announced to my friends on Facebook that I had pancreatic cancer and received a lot of support and advice. As a result of medical treatment, it was determined that the possibility of the pancreatic cancer metastasis to the liver was low and I was able to undergo surgery.
From cancer detection to surgery

2. Until pancreatic cancer is discovered. Distrust in doctors and getting a second opinion. Sep to Nov 2023

After the insertion of the pancreatic stent, I was feeling very good, but after a test at the hospital, I was found to have developed jaundice and was rushed into hospital. The doctor told me that I had a high possibility of having pancreatic cancer, but due to my distrust of young doctors, I could not believe what he said and decided to get a second opinion.
From cancer detection to surgery

1. Hospitalized for chronic pancreatitis. Possibility of stage 0 pancreatic cancer? August 2023

I went to the hospital with a slight stomach bloating and back pain, and was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, so I was hospitalized for two weeks. Though various tests were to check pancreatic cancer, but no cancer was found.